The Curing Rate Table CRT of each ordered 3D resin cured at 405 nm with a similar* light power to your printer can be optionally ordered online
The Curing Rate Table CRT provides the thickness of the chosen 3D resin cured at a light power similar* to your DLP/LCD printer at 405 nm at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 75, and 100 seconds
The Curing Rate Table CRT is ideal for fast & easy finding the optimum printing settings in most SLA, DLP & LCD 3D printers working with 405 nm light wavelengths
Depending on the chosen z layer thickness the required exposure time for curing the layers can be easily chosen from the Curing Rate Table CRT, since it represents the cured thickness versus exposure times
For getting exact values we recommend you ordering the same light meter as ours, the Chitu Systems Digital UV Light Meter and report us the power of your printer before the order is processed and the Curing Rate Table CRT is measured. 3Dresyns has chosen this model due to its affordability and realibility since its spectral range of 402-407 nm coincides with most printers light wavelength (405 nm)
The ordered Curing Rate Table CRT can be much more accurately measured after sharing your exact printer power since this will permit the 3Dresyns team to measure the Curing Rate Table CRT of your ordered 3D resins with the same power as yours, since we will match your light power (light power matching or synchronisation) for fast & easy finding your optimum printing settings
During ordering your 3D resins report your 3D printer model or your printer power measured in the center of your resin tank with Chitu Systems Digital UV Light Meter
After ordering request the ordered Curing Rate Table CRT, calibration files, and Instructions For Use IFU by email at: (to prevent that our emails are blocked or sent to spam)
*Note: the existing commercial SLA, DLP & LCP printers and model versions have a broad range of light power variability. Consequently, unless you report the exact printer power of your printer measured in the center of the vat with the same light meter as ours, the Chitu Systems Digital UV Light Meter, 3Dresyns will use an estimation of your expected printer power for measuring the Curing Rate Table CRT. No liability will be accepted for the use of an estimated non exact power unless you measure your exact light power with the same light meter used by 3Dresyns, the Chitu Systems Digital UV Light Meter.
For more infor read:
- Fast and accurate Instructions for Use "IFU" for DLP & LCD printers
- General Instructions for Use "IFU" for SLA, DLP & LCD printers
- Detailed Instructions for Use "IFU" for DLP & LCD printers
- Made to order 3Dresyns for most SLA, DLP & LCD printers
- Do you want to go in depth? Let´s unlock the black box!
- Power difference of DLP, LCD & MLCD printers and its consequences
How do we fill up the Curing Rate Table? By measuring the thickness (in microns) of drops of the resin cured at 405 nm at different exposure times with a similar light power to your reported printer power specifications.
Example of the Curing Rate Table "CRT" of a reference 3Dresyn x with lot y at certain light power of z mW/cm2 at 405 nm:
Product & Lot |
3Dresyn x Lot y |
Power: |
z mW/cm2 at 405 nm measured with Chitu Systems Light Meter |
Exposure time (seconds) |
Thickness (microns) |
Evaluation of cure (1) |
Evaluation of adhesion on glass (2) |
Starting point recommendations |
5 |
40 |
1 |
1 |
10 |
120 |
2 |
1 |
1st starting exposure time for printing z layers of 100 microns |
15 |
150 |
2 |
1 |
20 |
195 |
3 |
2 |
25 |
245 |
3 |
3 | |
50 |
270 |
4 |
3 | |
75 |
285 |
4 |
4 |
Starting exposure time for printing 4 adhesion layers |
100 |
299 |
4 |
4 |
(1) Note: |
0 Non cured/ 1 poorly cured/ 2 medium cured/ 3 well cured/ 4 very well cured |
(2) Note: |
0 Non adhered/ 1 poor adhesion / 2 medium adhesion/ 3 good adhesion/ 4 very good adhesion |