Our selection of colors for coloring our 3Dresyns.
The following colors can be ordered online and added-in by us to your chosen resin* or can ordered separately for custom addition:
- up to 2000 custom RAL or NCS colors can be added
- Basic and Ultra Safe colors exhibit very good lightfastness
- NextGen colors are transparent, exhibit very good lightfastness and do not setttle
- Special and Ultra Safe metallic colors have a metallic luster
- Food grade colors are biodegradable and exhibit low light fastness
*Note: not all the resins provide the option of adding any color. Check the available colors for your chosen resin during ordering.

Sale price€40.00
Ultra safe Basic Colors

Sale price€60.00
NextGen Stable Transparent Colors without any sedimentation

Sale price€200.00
NextGen Stable Transparent Colors kit without any sedimentation

Sale price€60.00
Special Metallic Colors

Sale price€80.00
Food grade Bio Colors

Sale priceFrom €80.00
Custom RAL or NCS Colors

Sale priceFrom €150.00
3Dresyns M&B1, the Mattest & Blackest color

Sale price€100.00
Gingiva Pink colors

Sale price€70.00
Phosphorescent Yellow Green Color

Sale price€70.00
Fluorescent Yellow Color

Sale price€200.00
VAM Stable Ultra Transparent Colors kit without any sedimentation

Sale price€60.00
VAM Stable Ultra Transparent Colors without any sedimentation