3Dresyns solid binders and feedstock slurries for Ceramic Injection Molding CIM, Metal Injection Molding MIM, and Powder Injection Molding PIM
Features of 3Dresyns binder 3Dresyn EB1, Eco Binder for water debinding and sintering of Ceramic, Metal & Polymer powder slurries:
- ideal for making ceramic, metal, and polymer powder slurrries or feedstocks for CIM, MIM & PIM
- eco friendly solid binder at room temperature, which becomes a liquid paste upon heating with excellent flow at injection temperature
- partially water soluble to facilitate de debinding in water, by creating micropores for defect free debinding, followed by thermal debinding (two step debinding) and sintering
Discover some examples of our ready to inject, debind, and sinter ceramic, metal, and polymer feedstock slurries based on 3Dresyn EB1:
- Ceramic Slurry CS YSZ1 Yttria-stabilized zirconia
- Metal Slurry MS Ti1 Titanium
- Polymer Slurry PS PI1 Polyimide
Discover our customised traditional ceramic, metal, and polymer powder feedstock slurries for Indirect Additive Manufacturing AM of Technical Ceramics, Metals, and Polymers via injection molding and jetting:
- Ceramic and metal slurries "feedstock" for additive manufacturing of technical ceramics and metals
- Powder slurries "feedstock" for Powder Injection Molding PIM & additive manufacturing of polymers and exotic nano and micron materials
- Discover our exotic porfolio of custom designed nano and micron exotic materials which are supplied as "solids slurries" in cartridges ready to inject with afforfable manual injection equipment
We custom design and supply powder slurrries of hundreds of exotic nano and micro materials dispersed in eco friendly binders such as 3Dresyn EB1.
Discover 3Dresyn EB2G, Eco Binder for water debinding and sintering of glass powder slurries
Discover some of our custom designed ready to inject, debind, and sinter ceramic, metal, and polymer feedstock slurries: