Our selection of 3D functional additives and auxiliaries for tuning and adding functionality or extra performance properties to our 3Dresyns.
Our functional 3D additives and auxiliaries are like "supplements or medicine pills" since add value and functional performance to our 3D resins.
Discover our functional additives and auxiliaries:

Sale priceFrom €300.00
3D-ADD EKC, silver nanowire additive for designing clear and colored conductive 3D resins

Sale priceFrom €150.00
3D-ADD Anti Scratch1 Bio, Anti Scratch bio paste additive

Sale priceFrom €70.00
3D-ADD Anti-Slip1 Bio, anti slip additive for decreasing the slip of 3D prints

Sale priceFrom €150.00
3D-ADD ASC1, anti sedimentation additive

Sale priceFrom €150.00
3D-ADD CuVK2 Copper Virus Killer, our cost effective antimicrobial Copper additive

Sale price€200.00
3D-ADD Disper-All1, ultra effective dispersant

Sale price€200.00
3D-ADD Disper-All2, fast curing ultra effective dispersant

Sale price€150.00
3D-ADD ESDA Black, black colored antistatic ESD additive

Sale price€200.00
3D-ADD FRC1 fire and flame resistant concentrate

Sale price€200.00
3D-ADD FRA1 Clear, clear fire and flame resistant additive

Sale priceFrom €120.00
3D-ADD GrapEK1 Bio, biocompatible electrically conductive nano graphene 3D additive

Sale priceFrom €100.00
3D-PAINT GrapEK2 Bio, biocompatible electrically conductive nano Graphene water based paint

Sale price€100.00
3D-ADD HDP1 High Density Powder for increasing the density of 3Dresyns

Sale price€120.00
3D ADD HRI1 White, High Refractive Index White additive

Sale price€200.00
3D-ADD LDP1 Low Density Powder for decreasing the density of 3D resins

Sale priceFrom €150.00
3D-ADD MATT1, our matting additive to reduce the gloss of your 3D prints

Sale price€100.00
3D-ADD MGI1, microorganism growth inhibitor additive

Sale price€180.00
3D-ADD MGI-UHC1, microorganism growth inhibitor additive

Sale priceFrom €70.00
3D-ADD NSA1, non stick additive for reducing the release force

Sale price€90.00
3D-ADD NY1 Bio, non yellowing Bio based and Biocompatible additive

Sale priceFrom €70.00
3D-ADD Slip1 Bio, slip additive for increasing the slip of 3D prints

Sale price€90.00
3D-ADD STAB1, in can stabilizer additive of 3D resins

Sale price€90.00
3D-ADD UVP1, clear UV protection additive

Sale priceFrom €40.00
3D-ADD UVP2, black color UV protection additive

Sale priceFrom €150.00
3D-ADD WRA1 Bio, wear resistance bio additive

Sale price€100.00
3Dresyn-ase EBC1, Enzymatic Bio Catalyst for biodegradation of 3D prints

Sale price€100.00
3D-ADD AA1 Adhesive Additive for adhesion on difficult surfaces

Sale price€120.00
3D-ADD TiO2 Rutile Ultra White & Opaque color