Direct tooth makeup kit of 8 transparent colors: Honey, Blue, Violet, Ochre, Brown, Red, Olive, Feldspar, and BL1 White for direct coloring tooth prints.
This kit has these features and benefits:
Transparent Honey, Blue, Violet, Ochre, Brown, Red, Olive, Feldspar and BL1 white makeups for coloring your tooth prints
- excellent flow for excellent brushability with no sagging
- after painting cure them with light for 15-30 minutes in a std light box for optimum curing and color matching
- excellent transparency and natural gradient effect
- thin glossy paint layer without relief
- gloss lacquer is not required to apply on top
- excellent light fastness and durability
- high hardness, Shore D85-90
- excellent wear resistance
- biocompatible
- monomer free
- excellent adhesion on most 3D prints
- nano scale colors for superior clarity and micro-detailed finishes
- custom mixable to get intermediate and light finishes
This kit contains 10 grams of each Transparent Honey, Blue, Violet, Ochre, Brown, Red, Olive, Feldspar & BL1 white makeups.
*Note: color shades are approximate and may be affected by printing and postcuring specifications beyond our control. It is ideal to custom control the postcuring time in your light box, since each light box has different wavelength and power, until the reaching the desired tooth shade (too long and too powerful light box postcuring can increase a bit the darkness of translucent shades). Do not expose the makeup to natural or room light to prevent their curing.