The company Resyner Technologies S.L., the "Company", conducts its business responsibly in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements of the countries in which it operates. The management is fully committed to the legal regulations on responsible and lawful conduct, and to renouncing any business violating the following principles:

Principles of responsible and lawful conduct

The Company respects all applicable laws and expects the same from its employees and customers. The following principles are priorities of practical relevance:

Ethical & sustainable contribution to Earth welfare

The Company beliefs in ethical scientific progress and it is committed to promote a culture and technology open to the world, to contribute to welfare state, to universal principles of peaceful coexistence, and feels responsible for developing environmentally friendly and bio-based technology for protecting the environment and the health and safety of its employees and customers.

As a contribution to sustainable Earth welfare development, raw materials and resources are selected and used efficiently. The Company complies with all laws and regulations of the respective countries and maintains regular, constructive and trusting communications with all relevant committees. Protection of the environment is crucial. From production to disposal of our products. we use renewable resources and environmentally friendly raw materials and processes.
Comprehensive quality management ensures that we provide safe, eco friendly, and functional high-quality products.

Non-proliferation of weapons

The Company is committed to develop products and services for peaceful purposes, for non-proliferation of weapons, for arms control, and for the global nuclear disarmament.

Science as a vision of cultural legacy

The Company beliefs in science as defense of rationality, focusing on ethical and environmentally friendly research with a solid sense of solidarity with future generations. The management is committed to use science and technology for ethical scientific progress and for the Earth welfare.

Integrity in business dealings

The Company conducts its business activities with integrity and honesty, in an ethically and trustworthy manner. Any unethical activity is prohibited. Violations can result in termination of contractual relationships and legal prosecution.

Fair and respectful working conditions

The Company is committed to ensuring that all employees and customers are treated in an professional, respectful or non-discriminatory manner. It is the goal of the Company to create a friendly working environment for each employee and customer. The Company does not tolerate any undue disadvantage based on ethnic origin, gender or sexual identity, religion or belief, disability, or age. The Company makes decisions purely on the basis of personal qualifications and performance. Each employee is expected to have a friendly, fair and respectful relationship with colleagues and third parties, such as customers and suppliers. Discrimination and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. The Company collects, process protects, and use personal data only responsibly and in accordance with applicable data protection and information laws.

Fairness in competition

The Company provides its customers with truthful information about its own products and services at all times and promotes free healthy competition, so any unfair competitive behavior is not acceptable.The Company is fully committed to fair  competition and to strict compliance with antitrust law. All employees act in accordance with the applicable competition law. Unfair practices such as price fixing with competitors, market sharing, and boycotts are strictly prohibited and are not tolerated. The Company disapproves unfair trading to gain illicit benefits.

Protecting the know-how and intellectual property rights

The Company protects its know-how, proprietary information, trade secrets, and valuable knowledge and inventions through trademarks and other protection instruments. The Company and its customer´s secrets must be protected and must not be disclosed to third parties. The Company will never be benefited through the infringement of third-party intellectual property.

Maintaining confidentiality and security

Each employee is obliged to keep the Company’s and its customer’s proprietary information and secrets confidential. Non-disclosure agreement obligations must always be ensured. Violations of applicable law can have serious labor and criminal consequences for the responsible employee.

Proper data management

Proper data management systems related to business processes are adequately documented within the framework of an internal quality control system for ensuring that all necessary documentation is well documented, correct, complete and appropriate.

Separation of corporate from personal interests

Personal interests must never influence business actions. Any business action must be based on objective criteria and on genuine motivation and interest to ensure that fair and unbiased decision making are guaranteed. It is strictly forbidden to misuse resources for personal gain or to influence business decisions by private interests. Personal activities that may damage the Company or its reputation are to be reported to the management.

Cooperation with authorities

The Company has close cooperative relationships with all relevant authorities.
Information is provided in a complete, open, accurate, timely and comprehensible
manner to all relevant authorities.

Compliance with laws

The Company complies with all relevant local, national and international laws.
All employees must respect and comply with local and foreign laws and regulatory requirements. 

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